Welcome to Buckhurst Hill Residents' Society



Events held in 2019

Tuesday February 12th: 'THE SPITALSFIELDS NIPPERS' – Speaker: 'The Gentle Author'

Saturday February 16th 7pm for 7.30pm: Quiz Night (jointly with BHCA, held at Bedford House, Westbury Road)

Wednesday March 13th: FILM NIGHT - 'The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner',

Tuesday April 9th: 'EDWARDIAN LIFE 1900-14' - Speaker: Jef Page

Wednesday May 8th: AGM

Sunday May 12th at 2pm: Walking the Boundaries of Buckhurst Hill

Wednesday June 26th 12 noon: Annual Lunch at The Bald-faced Stag (Toby Carvery).

Tuesday July 16th: 'WHEN OUR BUSES WENT TO WAR' – Speaker: Janet Seward

Tuesday August 13th: 'ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTE' - Speaker: Linda Cook

Tuesday September 10th: 'STAND AND DELIVER STAGE COACHING - Dick Turpin and 16-string Jack' – Speaker: Jef Page

Thursday September 26th 10am to 12 noon: Coffee Morning in aid of Essex Macmillan Cancer Support (jointly with U3A, venue Roding Valley Hall)

Saturday October 12th 7pm for 7.30pm: Annual Quiz Night

Tuesday November 12th: 'TURNING MY LIFE AROUND - AN ESSEX BAD GIRL TURNED GOOD' – Speaker:  Tracey Mackness

Friday December 6th 3pm to 7pm: Christmas at the top of Queen's Road

Wednesday December 11th: CHRISTMAS SOCIAL, The Salway Singers, plus wine and mince pies 
