Sadly we have to announce the death of Barbara Blossom, a former Chairman of the Residents' Society, who passed away on 1st June 2018.
Barbara was a well-known and much-loved member of the community of Buckhurst Hill. A very feisty lady with a great sense of humour, she had very definite views on local and national matters, she was interested in everything and everybody.
In the late 1990s Barbara was a member of the Committee of Buckhurst Hill Residents’ Society as it campaigned for a Parish Council to be instituted in Buckhurst Hill. At the first election for Parish Council members Barbara stood for election as an Independent candidate and subsequently became the Parish Council’s hard-working Chairman.
She was also the Chairman of the Residents' Society, working tirelessly for the benefits of local residents. She was passionate about preserving the heritage of Buckhurst Hill.
Barbara had been a gym teacher at Woodford County High School, she was awarded a medal by the Royal Life-saving Society in 2003 for 50 years’ work (she had founded the Essex branch in 1957 and her pupils had received over 3000 awards between them).
Barbara’s training had included some physiotherapy modules and she regularly attended meetings of the Lea Valley Branch of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
Her interest in the National Health Service led her to become a member of the Epping Forest NHS Primary Care Trust Users’ Forum, a member of the Epping Forest PCT Patient and Public Involvement Forum. She also represented the Residents’ Society as a member of the Epping Forest District Police Forum. In addition she organised lunches for elderly ladies in Buckhurst Hill and gave talks to Age Concern’s Fanfare Club.
Barbara instituted the Macmillan Coffee Morning held each year by the Residents' Society and always contributed her delicious lemon sponges. She also hosted lovely afternoon tea parties in her flat with the beautiful delicate tea service that belonged to her mother, baking not only her legendary sponges but delicious Bakewell tarts.
A great character, loved by many in Buckhurst Hill, Barbara will be sorely missed.