Welcome to Buckhurst Hill Residents' Society



As we always say, BHRS tries to mix fun events with the more serious issues of protection of the Green Belt and challenging the Local Plan. Well we’ve just had a favourite event and that’s for sure!

BHRS was delighted when asked to organise a Market Project for St John’s Primary School again this year. Year 4 took a walk down Queen's Road examining some of the history of the buildings using photographs provided by local historian and our committee member, Lynn Jones. Interviews with nineteen of the businesses were arranged for the children. Many are members of the Society and all were keen to support the learning opportunities for the children.

The next two weeks were then a very industrious period as the classes worked on producing their own stock to sell. From Father’s Day cards to Queen's Road logo designer shopping bags and from cakes decorated to link to their business to thoughtful book marks. Each business was also designed a unique advertising poster!

Then Friday 15th June was the big day. BHRS volunteers set out the stalls and like magic the children, with their super staff and parents, turned Queen's Road into a little Market! Some products really indicated thought about the shops, such as the home made dog biscuits on sale by Dogaholic and the home made cakes with glasses outside the opticians. Others were delightful in sharing the children’s learning like the papier mache Grecian urns and the pottery dishes made.

St John’s elected that the profits go to the charity BHRS is supporting this year, which was very generous. During the afternoon the children told their customers about the Rainbow Trust, a Charity which supports families with a seriously ill child.

On 10th July, BHRS presented Pauline Obee MBE, Patron of the Rainbow Trust, with a cheque for £900.

Photos from the event are here, and on Facebook @bhresidentssociety.