Welcome to Buckhurst Hill Residents' Society



Planning Application on Green Belt at 1 Powell Road

In December 2015 McCarthy & Stone submitted amended plans to Epping Forest District Council to build 57 flats for assisted living on part of the grounds of St Justs, 1 Powell Road, Buckhurst Hill. The development will be on Roebuck Lane in front of Linder’s Field Nature Reserve and is on land designated as Green Belt.

On January 21st 2016, the Planning Committee of Buckhurst Hill Parish Council emphatically voted to object to these proposals. They now go to EFDC for decision. There was strong condemnation from a large number of residents who attended the meeting, as well as by the Resident's Society. 

The plans and documents can be viewed at www.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/iplan. Click on Planning Search and then insert EPF/3021/15 in the application number box.

The Application was discussed by EFDC at their meeting on 30th April, and unanimously refused by a vote of 12-0. The discussion can be viewed by following the link on our Links tab below to Webcasts of Meetings.

On March 31st 2015, McCarthy & Stone had withdrawn their previous Application EPF/2925/14 for 65 flats. This was due to a dispute with EFDC about payment in lieu of providing Affordable Housing, although there was overwhelming public opposition on other grounds.

On April 14th 2015, they announced the appointment of new local architects to draw up a revised proposal, prior to another public consultation and a new Application.